Thousands of Online Businesses

need help building, optimizing and scaling their online systems…

I can show you how to be the person they hire…

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"Quit jumping from one business to another and worrying about working at a 9-5 job for the rest of your life. I’m going to show you how businesses will pay you up to $7,500/month to help them build, optimize and scale their online systems In 5 Easy Steps… and how to become what business owners call an “Integrator..."

If you're struggling...

To find success in starting a business, trying countless strategies and courses, while working full time away from your family and friends....

The answer isn't the next Amazon, Walmart, Shopify, Social Media Marketing, Crypto, Trading, or some other hype, hustle, or guru business.

It's building an honest business, helping out honest Entrepreneurs scale their business by learning how to become a Remote Integrator.

Specifically, there are 5 areas you need in place to become a Remote Integrator.

If you want to discover them so you can:

  • Learn the best strategies for building a remote integrator business and know how and when to use them...

  • Replace your income by tapping into an industry that is screaming for Remote Integrators...

  • Break free from the corporate or blue collar job you have despised for so long...

  • Build a lifestyle that allows you to work when you want from where you want...

  • Learn invaluable skills around the latest software and spplications on the market.

Why I Can Help You...

I'm the founder of The Integrator Academy and I'm so excited at the opportunity to help you build your own Integrator Business.

I've been an Entrepreneur for the last 8 years, starting my first successful business while still working at a local tire shop in my community.

I was able to quit my career 1 year into my Entrepreneurship path allowing me to work from home the last 7 years and spending more time with my family.

After the success I've achieved I'm excited to help other likeminded individuals achieve a new path of building a integrator business.

Still Unsure?

Check the stories of students below. They may have started out similar to you...

Coach Dee

Hi, I'm Coach Dee Foster.

I have known and have been working with Michael for about a year now.

He's my number one automation and systems expert.

His level of expertise doesn't even compare to anyone else I've ever met and I've met a lot of amazing people.

A lot of amazing mentors and Michael sees things that other people don't.

He is super or organized. He will look at your business and know exactly what to do in order to scale. If you're truly committed, truly committed to growing and scaling your business and taking it to that next level, Michael is the kerosene to your fire and will help you get there.

Absolutely. Absolutely. If you have the opportunity to work with him, take it, don't let it pass you by.

Daniel Forero

Daniel’s main challenge: Outsourcing a lot of tasks that could have easily been done in house with the right systems.

Daniel’s goals when he first joined The Integrator Academy were to:

Leverage technology to win back some time in order to focus on revenue generating activities.

Improve upon the understanding of basic systems and processes in order to build things for scale

Leverage virtual assistants to help with small tasks so that he could focus on the big picture.

His revenue before he started the Integrator program: $5K per month with his marketing agency.

His revenue now: The marketing agency scaled to around $55k per month with low margins for a 50/50 partnership. Daniel currently does around 20k per month in gross revenue now focusing on being a full time remote integrator.

Mike’s Take: Daniel is a lot like me. I first helped Daniel when he was just starting out his lead gen agency by basically introducing him to the basics of systems and integrations. Daniel took that knowledge and ran with it building a Integrator business making a lot more profit that his Lead Gen agency, despite having less Revenue.

What are 3 core challenges in your business that you want to fix over the next 3-6 months? What works/what doesn’t?... What do you feel you need to do better? Sometimes I feel that there just isn’t enough time in one day. I still struggle to delegate quite a bit and need to learn to be a little more organized in that aspect.

Trevor Hassel

Trevor's main challenge: Learning all of the different software's, tools, and automations to run a successful online business to quit his job.

Trevor's goals when he first joined The Integrator Academy were to:

Learn how to generate multiple skills in the tech and automation space for future clients so he could run business more smoothly for himself and his clients. He wanted to learn where he could automate and delegate, and where he should actually focus his time.

His revenue before he started the Integrator program: $4,800 per month

His revenue now: He has scaled to around $25,000 per month in less than a year.

Mike’s Take: Trevor started off constantly thinking he was not smart enough or too slow in adopting software and applications. I think he has surprised himself significantly with how far he has come and how quickly. Not to mention make more in a month than most people make in a year.

What are 3 core challenges in your business that you want to fix over the next 3-6 months? What works/what doesn’t?... What do you feel you need to do better? Sometimes I feel that I am not learning new skills fast enough. I have been a slow learner my entire life, and sometimes that gets in my head. I need to be patient with myself and more confident in my ability to provide tremendous value to my clients.

Steven Castronova

Steven's main challenge: Trying to work from home and spend more time with family.

Steven's goals when he first joined The Integrator Academy were to:

Learn as much as possible as quick as he could. Understand what it takes to make a full time income as a remote integrator

His revenue before he started the Integrator program: $5K per month at his job.

His revenue now: He has solidified a position as an integrator at a large YouTube brand company. He is currently making around $12.5k a month.

Mike’s Take: Steven started his path as an integrator and ran head first into learning anything and everything he could. He has become super successful in a short amount of time.

What are 3 core challenges in your business that you want to fix over the next 3-6 months? What works/what doesn’t?... What do you feel you need to do better? Learn more around automation. Delegate more tasks. Find a couple other offers that pay well.

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